Logging on to the Equifax Mortgage Gateway

The Equifax Mortgage Gateway is best viewed using Internet Explorer or Chrome browsers.

Members Login Page

To access the Equifax Mortgage Gateway, you must navigate the following URL in the Browser:

You can log on to the application by entering a valid Equifax Mortgage Gateway user ID and password in the Username and Password fields on the Members Login page and clicking the LOGIN button.

Initial Login

You should receive your user ID from your account supervisor. Once your account supervisor has created and activated your userid, you will receive a system generated registration email. If you have not received the email, check your email spam or deleted folders. If the email was not received, ask your account supervisor to verify the email associated with your profile and to resend the registration link.

Once you receive your personal registration email for the Equifax Mortgage Gateway and click the link, you will be presented with your profile information submitted during the userid creation. Please ensure all of the information is correct. It is important to keep your userid profile current, particularly your email address, to ensure your receive any future account information. You will be required to create a password. Once you have completed the registration, you will be sent to the Equifax Mortgage Gateway member login page where you will need to enter your userid and your password to access the Equifax Mortgage Gateway.

Multifactor Authentication

After entering your user id and password on the Equifax Mortgage Gateway member login page, you will need to request a one use password to complete the login. This password is system generated and will be sent to the email address associated with your userid profile. You will be prompted to request this one time password each time you login to the Equifax Mortgage Gateway. To bypass this multifactor authentication, check the Remember Me option at the time you request the one time password.

Forgot Password

If you do not enter the correct user ID or password, you will receive an error message. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the Forgot Password link to get a new password sent to the email address associated with your userid.

CAUTION: After three unsuccessful attempts to log on, your account will be locked. In this case, you must contact your account supervisor to reset your password.