Texas Virtual School Network — Online Schools Program

The Texas Virtual School Network Online Schools (TXVSN OLS) program provides full-time online instruction to eligible Texas public school students through enrollment in one of the TEA-accredited public-school districts and open-enrollment charter schools approved to participate in the program. These free online public schools offer 100 percent virtual instructional programs to students across the state. Students who enroll in one of the TXVSN online schools are public school students.

Courses comprising the TXVSN OLS program must meet state curriculum requirements, known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), and align with accessibility standards. Authorized by Texas Education Code (TEC) Chapter 30A, the TXVSN OLS program is administered by the TEA under the leadership of the commissioner of education. TEA-accredited public-school districts and open-enrollment charter schools participating in the program provide full-time online instruction to eligible public-school students throughout Texas.

Extending Virtual Options

On June 12, 2023, Governor Abbott charged the commissioner of education to waive specific requirements for school districts or open-enrollment charter schools to be able to continue offering virtual instruction options for students through the Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years.

TEA’s waiver authority will allow local education agencies (LEAs) that offered virtual instruction through TEC § 29.9091 or TEC § 48.0071 in the 2022-2023 school year, or participated in the Virtual Program Accelerator during the 2022-2023 school to receive full funding for each student who successfully completes the school year as defined in 19 Texas Administration Code (TAC) §70.1001(2-3).

LEAs that offered hybrid or flex programs through TEC §29.9091 may contact TEA to discuss options.

The Texas Education Agency has released the following documents that provide an overview and instructions for eligible LEAs to participate in this opportunity to continue offering full-time online schools.


TXVSN OLS Students

Students may choose to attend an approved full-time online school through their local LEA or attend an approved statewide full-time online school. Students have to meet the eligibility requirements of the TXVSN OLS program to enroll in the full-time virtual instructional program. They will participate in rigorous, interactive online courses that emphasize extensive communication between the Texas-certified teacher and student and among students.

The full-time virtual TXVSN OLS program is available to students who meet eligibility requirements defined in TEC, §30A.002. A student is eligible if the student meets requirements for enrollment in the Texas public education system or

Some TXVSN virtual campuses may have additional eligibility requirements, including was enrolled in a Texas public school in the preceding school year. Contact each OLS for more details.

Commissioner’s Rules for the Texas Virtual School Network

Administrative rules governing the TXVSN OLS program are available online. The rules provide guidance for school districts and charter schools participating in the TXVSN, in accordance with the Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 30A.


TXVSN online schools are free public schools; there is no charge to enroll. Eligible independent school districts and open-enrollment charter schools earn funding for a student enrolled in courses offered through the TXVSN OLS program in the same manner that the school earns funding for a student who is enrolled in a traditional classroom setting, provided that the student successfully completes the courses.


The following links are resources about TXVSN: