If you apply for financial aid, you may be offered loans as part of your financial aid award. A loan is an investment in your future, but is money you borrow and must pay back with interest. You should not be afraid to take out federal student loans, but you should be smart about it.
Annual Direct Loan Limits
[click chart to enlarge]
Independent students and students whose parents were denied for a PLUS loan are eligible for additional funding through the Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan program.
Direct Loan Interest Rates
Current interest rates** on all Federal Direct Loans are fixed. Undergraduates receive different interest rates for subsidized and unsubsidized loans; rates for grad students are the same whether the loan is subsidized or unsubsidized.
PLUS Loans
**Interest rates for loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2023 and before July 1, 2024
Direct Loan Origination Fees
An origination fee is charged by the Federal Government for Direct Loans. This fee is a percentage of the total loan amount and is deducted from each loan disbursement. You are responsible for repaying the entire amount you borrow.
Graduate students borrowing loans should view additional information here to learn more about their loan resources.