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In 2008, the Postal Service implemented an automated, centralized, shared services system for Human Resources and personnel activities. This system provides self-service for employees and managers allowing them to conduct personnel and HR activities online with access 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Employees also can access this system from home using the liteblue web site.

The system includes the Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) and eCareer. eOPF provides employees instant, convenient, and secure access to their personal and work information. eCareer is an online job application and selection system. It automates and streamlines the entire selection process from posting vacancies through selection, eliminating manual paper handling, reducing time between posting and selection, and providing significant savings in time and resources. eCareer improves employee flexibility and ease of use. Employees affected by organizational changes and restructures were able to use eCareer to search and apply for vacant positions. Since its implementation in April 2008, eCareer has posted approximately 30,878 nonbargaining unit positions and 10,773 bargaining unit positions, and over 440,000 job applications have been electronically received, saving approximately $55 million per year in hiring costs.

All of these services are supported by the Human Resources Shared Service Center (HRSSC). The HRSSC processed nearly 1 million personnel actions, including promotions, hires, and over 35,000 retirements. It handles an average of 3,000 calls each day. The operating model was revised to separate phone calls from transactions resulting in a complement decrease of over 10 percent.

Another major improvement is the Employee Health and Safety (EHS) application, an online tool that automates and standardizes accident and incident reporting, and injury case claim management. Piloted this year, it will be deployed nationwide in 2010. The system’s fast, efficient handling of case claims allows employees to receive appropriate care and return to work in a timely manner. By saving work hours, paper, and travel costs, EHS is projected to save $10 million annually.