Airline code-share and alliance agreements Te toha waehere me ngā whakaaetanga mahi tahi o ngā whakahaere waka rere

Authorising agreements between airlines proposing to operate flights to and from New Zealand under alliance or code-share arrangements.

Te whakamana i ngā whakaaetanga o ngā tōpū waka rere e whakaaro ana ki te rere mai, ki te rere atu rānei i Aotearoa i raro i te whakaaetanga mahi tahi, i te whakaritenga toha waehere rānei.

What you need to know

International aviation is governed by a network of thousands of bilateral air services agreements that set out the routes and capacity that airlines can operate between any 2 countries. To overcome these restrictions, airlines can enter into alliances with one another and agree to cooperate on all aspects of pricing, scheduling and service delivery in a particular market.

An airline alliance is an aviation industry arrangement between 2 or more airlines that agree to cooperate on a substantial level. A code-share agreement is a business arrangement between 2 or more airlines who want to advertise the same flight involving New Zealand destinations, but under their own airline names and flight numbers.

Under the Civil Aviation Act 1990, the Minister of Transport can authorise regulation of international air carriage competition — alliance and code-share agreements — that involve New Zealand destinations. Airlines must apply to the Minister, who must consult with the public before making a decision on the application. When agreements end, airlines can apply for the agreements to be reauthorised. This page contains information on major alliance agreements only.

August 2024: Air New Zealand and Virgin Australia codeshare agreement authorised

On 22 August 2024, the Associate Minister of Transport authorised a Commercial Framework Agreement, Codeshare Agreement, and various related agreements between Air New Zealand and Virgin Australia for a period of 5 years until 22 August 2029.

On 22 August 2024, the Associate Minister of Transport authorised a Commercial Framework Agreement, Codeshare Agreement, and various related agreements between Air New Zealand and Virgin Australia for a period of 5 years until 22 August 2029.

Submissions open on Air New Zealand / Cathay Pacific alliance reauthorisation

Air New Zealand and Cathay Pacific have lodged an application seeking reauthorisation of their North Asia Alliance Agreement.

We are now inviting submissions from interested parties.

Submissions will be published on the Ministry of Transport website. Please indicate if there is any information in your submission that you consider should be withheld in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982.

Submissions should be emailed to by 5 pm on Friday 3 May 2024.

Air New Zealand and Cathay Pacific have lodged an application seeking reauthorisation of their North Asia Alliance Agreement.

We are now inviting submissions from interested parties.

Submissions will be published on the Ministry of Transport website. Please indicate if there is any information in your submission that you consider should be withheld in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982.

Submissions should be emailed to by 5 pm on Friday 3 May 2024.